ILO Programme

To address labor-related challenges and create more inclusive and sustainable economies during 2021 PRDIS has partnered with ILO India to implement pilot project on “promoting Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in cotton supply chain” in 10 villages of each in Warangal and Nalgonda districts which are focused districts of ILO as well. Keeping in view of results, during 2022 the project has been extended to 10 more new villages each in Warangal and Nalgonda districts in addition to strengthening of stakeholders in implementation of FPRW activities at villages benefited during 2021.
FPRW aim is to protect workers' rights, improve working conditions, and promote social dialogue. The ILO strives to achieve social justice by promoting fair wages, eliminating child labor, preventing forced labor, and combating discrimination in the workplace. Working with the ILO can help addressing farmers and workers issues and promote more inclusive and equitable societies.
Through a series of technical workshops, trainings for farmers, workers, representatives of FPO, cooperatives, SHGs, Federations, Raitu Samanvaya Samiti at district and village level; PRDIS has created awareness with farmers, representatives of gram panchayat , school, SHGs, Raitu Samanvaya group, cooperatives, farmer producer company, Primary Agriculture Cooperative Society (PACS) etc focused on communicating the negative impacts of child labour on children, social discrimination, wage discrimination in creating decent work environment and positive impacts of negotiation skills, farmer/ worker associations and collective bargaining. Especially owing to enhanced Negotiation skill farmers/ representatives of FPO have resolved their differences, quarrel or conflict with traders and then able to increase their profitability. FPOs made settlements with workers on working hours, minimum wages, decent work environment like drinking water, hand wash area, sanitizers, masks, a good place for taking lunch etc. In addition, FPOs / Cooperatives/ SHGs also recognized and implemented safety and health issues. Besides that FPOs also resolved to integrate FPRW in their mandate as well as to increase the women representation in their organization to address gender concerns.